Treatment (Cleansing Agent)
1. Solution of one teaspoon of approved wool detergent (e.g. Softly) with one teaspoon of white vinegar and one litre of warm water.
2. Dry-cleaning fluid, lighter fuel or mineral turpentine.
Caution: Ensure that no flame or lighted cigarette is near, and use in well ventilated area.
3. Mineral turpentine effectiveness is increased if mixed with an equal quantity of dry-cleaning fluid. Caution: Ensure that no flame or lighted cigarette is near, and use in well ventilated area.
4. Methylated spirits. Caution: Ensure that no flame or lighted cigarette is near, and use in well ventilated area.
5. Hydrogen peroxide (20 vol). Dilute 10 to 1 with cold water. Caution: Do not use on dark or patterned carpet.
6. Dye stripper. Dilute 50 to 1 with cold water. Caution: Do not use on dark or patterned carpet.
7. Chewing gum remover (freezing agent).
8. Nail polish remover.
9. Clean warm (not hot) water.
10. Cold water.
11. Weak solution of white vinegar or lemon juice with cold water.
12. Absorbent powder (e.g. salt or talc). Sprinkle on spillage, leave overnight and vacuum next day.
13. Enzyme digester. Must not contain any bleaches or colour brighteners. Always rinse with clean water and absorb with a older cotton cloth. – This treatment not recommended for Wool Carpets